stixpy Documentation#

stixpy is package for analysing data from the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) instrument onboard the Solar Orbiter (SO) spacecraft.

It includes software for data search and download, data visualisation, data analysis (spectroscopy and imaging) and more.

The documentation is broken down into four keys areas.

Tutorials start here if you are new to STIX or stixpy as this material will help you lean to analyse STIX data in STIXpy.

How-to Guides provide short, focused guides on common tasks go here if you need to find out how to do X.

Discussions are longer explanations for example about the STIX instrument, software design choices or historical aspects of stixpy go here if you want or need to know more they ‘why’ than ‘how’.

Reference technical descriptions of the software such as classes, functions, argument, keywords, change logs and similar.